Flowers Make Us Happy - The Science Proves It!
Did you know having flowers and other plants in your home can make a positive impact on your mood? It’s worth it to splurge on fresh cut blooms to decorate your home any time of year. Remember what Miley Cyrus sings… “I can buy myself flowers….”
Nancy Etcoff, a PhD at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School known for her work on the science of beauty and attractiveness, conducted a 2006 study on the effects of flowers in the home and concluded that people “feel more compassionate towards others, experience less anxiety and worry, and ultimately feel happier when flowers are present in their home.” (Sept, 2006).
The behavioral research study also found that:
Flowers feed compassion & increase kindness for others. Etcoff notes a sort of “mood contagion” effect. When your personal mood is lifted, as it is by flowers in your home, the positive mood is contagious for others around you, resulting in a virtuous cycle of positive energy.
Living with flowers can provide a boost of energy, happiness and enthusiasm at work. This positive mood was evidenced not only at home but also in the workplace. The mood elevation is something you can bring with you throughout your day.
Flowers discourage anxiety and worry. Study participants found it easier to maintain positive moods even when faced with anxiety and stress triggers. Not only do flowers offer a buoyancy, they also protect against our worries.
These findings certainly do not surprise the farmers here at McIntosh Field & Flower. Everyday, we are living examples of this phenomenon. Weeding a row of Sunflowers in the middle of the hot summer would not be worth it if it wasn’t for the beautiful bounty of blooms that rewards our hard work. When we’re smart enough to bring flowers home for ourselves, we can certainly feel these effects.